Client Review on Annapolis GEEKS


STAY AWAY!I cannot recall being treated so rudely by anyone, ever. I wouldn't allow my dog to whiz on their building.Apparently the young witch answering the phone needs to have someone explain to her that just because you don't want to be bothered answering a caller's questions (that he was asking to determine your actual scope of abilities before tecommending you to a friend) doesn't mean you should be rude to them & unceremoniously hang up on them in mid sentence (after less than 90 seconds) without so much as a goodbye.I'm the kindest, most helpful, understanding & soft spoken GENTLEMan you will ever meet, (as my other reviews should show) but my treatment by their staffer was beyond the pale of rude & only TRULY described by words i refuse to use.What I'd LIKE to say at the moment ends with "...& the horse you rode in on."If you're busy, say so. Ask me to hold, tell me youll have someone get back to me - all woyld have been met with "Thanks!" - but "I dont have time for this" at 8:45 AM followed by "Click!" Was not.Had you treated me differently I would likely (after a few more questions) have suggested you contact (or be contacted by) a friend who needs emergency assistance with a CPA business network & to upgrade a couple of dozen PCs - a task I am unable to handle at the moment - & an easy $20 grand profit for any competent (though even inexperienced) "geek." Congrats, cupcake - i can't wait until your boss reads this.As it is, I'd give a negative rating if I could but WILL advise anyone considering doing business with them to imagine how they will treat you AFTER they have gotten your money. Dont be a fool.I (with 30 years' experience in Dundee of tee worlds largest IT projects) wouldn't touch them with YOUR ten- foot-pole!No way!

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