Client Reviews on CV-Online

    • 3.9
  • 8 Reviews

Most helpful positive review

0 people found the following review helpful

By Priit Lahemaa Aug 26, 2019


Most helpful critical review

0 people found the following review helpful

By Vincentte Philipsen Jul 26, 2019



(Translated by Google) There is very little to see what is being offered for pay in job advertisements. A relatively large salary range does not encourage anyone to come to work, but could rather have more detailed information, for example, if, for example, 500-1000 euros are shown in the salary range, then, of course, the employer offers the lower one. I personally did not get any help from this website. I have sent a number of invitations that have not been answered. If the content of the bids improves, then maybe I'll give you a better score!(Original)Väga vähe on tööpakkumistes näha, mida pakutakse palgaks. Suhteliselt suur palgavahemik ei julgusta kedagi tööle tulema, vaid võiks pigem olla detailsem informatsioon- st et näiteks kui on palgavahemikuks toodud 500-1000 euri, siis otse loomulikult tööandja pakub just seda madalamat. Ma isiklikult pole eriti sellelt kodulehelt abi saanud. Olen saatnud mitmeid cv- sid, millele pole vastustki tulnud. Kui pakkumiste sisu paraneb, siis ehk annan ka parema hinde!


Super 👍


(Translated by Google) Normal adherence (Original) Norm kohake


(Translated by Google) To work (Original) Tööle


Can help you from beginning for very low salary and worse jobs openings


(Translated by Google) Very pleasant reception and tööksskond wonderful people.(Original)Väga mèeldiv vastuvõtt ja tööksskond toredad inimesed.


Thank you for helping to found new job.


(Translated by Google) advise (Original) Soovitan

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