Client Reviews on Digital Creatives

    • 5.0
  • 4 Reviews

Most helpful positive review

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By JuvyTorres Vlogs Oct 28, 2019


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TuneupGeek has been very helpful in setting up my blog. Thanks again!


Tuneup Geek was able to help me get my WordPress site in order and updated. I could not have done it without their assistance. Thanks again for the awesome service.


TuneupGeek did a great job on building our website, forum, and customer service platform including our social media channels. Now, Gilman Ram Pump is able to receive all the inquiries from all channels. Also, thank you for making our pages number 1 on Google!


Tuneup Geek has helped me through all my tech issues and enriched my SEO/SMM/WP know-how. Always above-board, honest and very knowledgeable. I would never hesitate to recommend his services to my friends and clients. We need more like him in cyberspace!

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