Client Review on Digitizal

I loved my brand review session with Digitizal!

Hired For: Ecommerce SEO in 2019

What was the best part of the experience?

I was lacking clarity about my brand message and losing focus with social media posts. .

What would you change about the experience?

Digitizal is amazing at pinpointing the personality and essence of a brand. I highly recommend her to any business whether it is big or small, old or new.


I loved my brand review session with Digitizal! Before our session I was lacking clarity about my brand message and losing focus with social media posts. After working with Digitizal, I am much clearer on what I want to say to potential clients, what should be on my website, and how to incorporate all of this into promotional graphics and presentations. Digitizal is amazing at pinpointing the personality and essence of a brand. I highly recommend her to any business whether it is big or small, old or new.

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