Client Review on Inbound Agency

Best Digital Marketing Agency in Multan Pakistan

Hired For: Integrated Search (SEO & PPC) in 2021

What was the best part of the experience?

We let them have a lot of free reign to tell us how different parts of the website should be designed and organized since they were the experts. The whole project took around 11 weeks to complete, but we noticed an immediate improvement in our sales process within just hours of launching the new website. We had previous customers reach out to us congratulating us for joining them in the 21st century and even some of our competitors thought the website was beautiful. Needless to say our sales processes and customer trust have both improved incredibly.

What would you change about the experience?

Inbound did a great job of doing a deep dive of our previous website to determine how to organize and sort all of these resources on the new website.


The new website had a real positive impact on sales and made our team a lot more confident to push ourselves to new prospective customers. Our team is revitalized, and it really shows!

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