Client Reviews on The Grammar Doctors

    • 5.0
  • 3 Reviews

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By Tanswell Marketing Mar 16, 2019


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From a quick email blast to copy for your web site, Ink & Quill gets it! They are just the best, easy and great are amazing to work with. Give them try, you'll be glad you did.


I had the opportunity to work with Ink & Quill Communications and wanted to write a review outlining the incredible experience I had. Amanda is a wordsmith who can take a very rough material and turned it into literary content. Everyone has an idea, but the ability to communicate this to a broader audience in today's world of 120 characters is harder than one would think. Amanda is a consummate professional who is responsive, collaborative and creative. She took the project on with a very tight deadline and delivered. I would highly recommend her services and will work with Ink & Quill Communications again.


I wholeheartedly recommend Ink & Quill Communications. They operate as a CMO (Chief Marketing Officer) for businesses who need an experienced and cost-effective strategies to manage all of their marketing needs. I’ve worked with them on a number of projects and with their 20+ years’ experience, they continually impress with their creativity, problem solving, expertise and their comprehensive and targeted marketing strategies.

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