Client Review on Louisville SEO Company


I searched online for who had the top ranking on Google for SEO in Louisville, KY. Of the top three, Kid Carson Media came up as number one. I called the top three to discuss doing our SEO. Blaine from Kid Carson took more time than the others to discuss our goals and how he would achieve them. He didn't talk over my head and explained everything in simple terms so that I could understand the process. Plus, his logic on how he was going to accomplish the task made sense. We picked Kid Carson to do our SEO and never looked back. This company took us from the Google search basement to page one within a few months and we are in an extremely competitive category. Blaine has since pushed us to the top of page one and are now reaping the benefits of his talents. Anybody in the Kentuckiana area MUST consider Kid Carson Media for SEO if you are serious about ranking at the top of Google search. They are the best and we are living proof.

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