Client Reviews on Martin Woods - SEO Consultant

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  • 2 Reviews

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By Ben Sanjurgo Oct 17, 2017


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Martin is extremely knowledgeable in his field, and his approach is very different to many other 'SEO companies'. We had a highly bespoke requirement, he took the time to fully understand our business, how we work and what we wanted from an SEO strategy. The advice we were given was spot on and incredibly insightful. It has helped us de-risk our business and has also added profit. Very glad to have found him!


One day, out of the blue, we received an e-mail from Google saying that we had not been complying with their guidelines and that as a result we had been de-listed. We just disappeared from Google search results and our business plummeted. It transpired that Data Dial the company we had been paying thousands of pounds to for SEO had been ‘spamming’ our results by creating links to our site - over thirteen and a half thousand of them! These were all junk, links from porn sites and spoof sites etc. and we were totally unaware of their existence.This whole business of SEO is an esoteric mix of knowledge and witchcraft, the basis of which can change daily. Although we are all ’techies’ here, including a degree in cybernetics and a masters in electronic engineering, we didn’t have a clue how to even start to recover from this situation. We desperately needed expert help and guidance from someone who wasn’t out to rip us off (a not uncommon occurrence in this business I have come to understand).Fortunately, we knew of Martin through a mutual friend and asked him to asses the situation for us and advise on a way forward. Although the situation was very bad, Martin’s professional and knowledgeable approach gave us hope and we placed ourselves (and the future of our business) entirely in his hands. We followed Martin’s advice at every juncture, including re-launching the website with a new domain name. The timing of taking down the old site and going live with the new one was critical, as was ensuring that there was no link between the two. Martin is almost paranoid about keeping the site ‘clean’ and making sure that no sloppy work comes back to bite us on the bum. The new site was the old site with the domain changed and we didn’t want the penalty to be transferred. Martin kept us advised on a regular basis throughout and accurately predicted the stages that would occur as we progressed. Once the new site was up and running with no penalty, the business of optimising it began in ernest. Martin suggested a variety of ways forward and the powerful software tools that he uses enabled him to advise us on their efficacy and to develop cost-effective strategies. We are fortunate that all of our software is written in-house and so we are able to respond to Martin’s suggestions for ’tweeks’ almost instantly and then monitor the results. While all of this was going on, Martin continued to remove as many of the spam links from the old site as possible and when Google produced the disavow tool he used it to give the old site a final clean-up. When he was sure that it no longer had a penalty attached, we were able to link it to the new site and connect the ‘link juice’ from the remaining very good links we had on the old site: links sourced by ourselves, not Data Dial!We are now in a position where we can see steady and consistent growth in both traffic and orders and should soon be back to about the same turnover as before the crash. The big difference of course, is that now we have a completely ‘clean’ site that follows all of the rules and that is liked by all of the search engines and which has a future.Thank you Martin. I am sure that we would no longer be in business without your guidance and support.The Pen Company

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