Client Review on NectarSpot Marketing and Design Company


OrderZone engaged NectarSpot Inc over a year ago to provide various e-commerce related services, including: CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization) through better UX/UI design and custom HTML/CSS development for our e-commerce store; AWS hosting, Analytics services (Google Enhance e-commerce, Google Studio and Google Reviews) and Email Campaigns on Constant Contact and MailChimp/Mandrill.We have found the results from these ongoing services above industry standards (for e.g. KPIs such as - cost reduction due to change in hosting service provider, email open and click rates and others, rapid turnaround time for development and support requests).Email campaigns designed and managed by NectarSpot have generated qualified leads and uptick in our revenue which was possible through ongoing A/B testing and solid data analytics reporting and custom Google Analytics integration. NectarSpot Inc. has exceeded our expectations. Their staff is professional, reliable and highly focused on customer requirements. We view NectarSpot as a valued partner and we look forward to working with them for upcoming projects in the future.

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