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  • 2 Reviews

Most helpful positive review

2 people found the following review helpful

SEO for my Plastic Surgery clinic

By Edward Hawkins Nov 28, 2022

The best part of the experience was the fact deadlines were hit, and results were made. more

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SEO/ORM for my Dominos Franchise business

Hired For: Search Engine Optimization in 2023

What was the best part of the experience?

The best part of the experience was setting the early goals and hitting them. That is by far what impressed me the most. There ORM tool is also super cool and helped us get a lot more reviews then before. I also appreciated the weekly reports so I was never left in the dark.

What would you change about the experience?

Nothing, I appreciated the honesty of Parker and and very thankful for there agencies work.


Overall they were a excellent choice for the objective I'm thoroughly impressed by them and there efforts.

SEO for my Plastic Surgery clinic

Hired For: Enterprise SEO in 2022

What was the best part of the experience?

The best part of the experience was the fact deadlines were hit, and results were made.

What would you change about the experience?

Nothing. I let him handle the project but they were very informative about what they were working on and there vision for my website.


Very happy, we still are working together to this day because results are still coming in. Don't see any reason to stop when its working.

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