Client Reviews on Qonnecta

    • 3.0
  • 14 Reviews

Most helpful positive review

0 people found the following review helpful

By Delia Lombardo Oct 10, 2019


Most helpful critical review

0 people found the following review helpful

By Roberto Farina Oct 10, 2019



(Translated by Google) The pizzas are good, the ingredients are fresh and the dough 👌 , the service does improve.(Original)Las pizzas son buenas, los ingredientes frescos y el la masa 👌 , el servicio sí a mejorar.


The Pizza is fantastic! I recommend requesting a seat on the second floor. The view of the castle is very enjoyable. a nice location and good service.


(Translated by Google) The best pizzas in Naples, superb decoration. Love.(Original)As melhores pizzas de Nápoles, uma decoração soberba. Adoro.


(Translated by Google) Bad services, they have no order to serve the tables(Original)Malos servicios, no tienen orden para servir las mesas


(Translated by Google) We are from Catalonia and we know what it is to eat well. This restaurant seems one thing and is another completely disappointing: we ordered sausage and friarielli. Incomible: the salsicha to know which animal came from and the most bitter vegetables could not be. The waiters went from watching us, abruptly when they did. You could tell who they knew as a clientele and who we were just tourists. Above, we ordered tiramisu and they brought melon ... Disappointing from the beginning to the end. If there was a zero, I would have put it. They were € 34 thrown in the trash.(Original)Somos de Catalunya y sabemos lo que es comer bien. Este restaurante parece una cosa y es otra completamente decepcionante: pedimos salchicha y friarielli. Incomible: la salsicha a saber de qué animal venía y los vegetales más amargos no podían estar. Los camareros pasaban de atendernos, bruscos cuando lo hacían. Se notaba a quién conocían como clientela y quiénes éramos simples turistas. Encima, pedimos tiramisú y trajeron melón... Decepcionante desde el principio hasta el fin. Si hubiera un cero, lo habría puesto. Fueron 34€ tirados a la basura.


(Translated by Google) A star because you can't! Finding a pizza that is worse and served chilled I don't think it exists. Pizza is difficult ...... but finding it horrible in Naples, but I found it. The waiters? The zoo is better.Never again!(Original)Una stella poichè 0 non si può! Trovare una pizza più cattiva e servita fredda penso che non esista. La pizza?...... trovarla orribile a Napoli è difficile, ma io l ho trovata. I camerieri? Lo zoo è migliore.Mai piu!


(Translated by Google) The pizza is really good! (Original) La pizza è veramente buona!


(Translated by Google) Very slow (Original) Molto lenti


(Translated by Google) A very nice place! Beautiful tables)) a good selection of pizzas. Both classic and unusual. Genovezin was especially pleased, incredibly tasty.(Original)Очень приятное место! Красивые столики)) хороший выбор пицц. Как классических, так и необычных. Особенно порадовала Дженовезина, невероятно вкусно.


2 nights in a row for the same group, the waiters were unwelcoming, they don't listen, pizza is not good. Also we asked to be together as a large group on a trip for the second night, they refused and we tried to understand whats happening they threatened to call the police.

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