Client Review on The Rise Agency


Melanee, their lead designer, was a freakin' boss. And as we love to say, a total badass. We've been through SO much the past 6 months with this rebrand process. Things we never imagined would happen in both business and personal. We truly had no idea what we were signing up for. Thanks to Melanee, we feel totally confident in the release of our new site launch October 15th. We're excited to get more into the market after everything we've survived, and most importantly, after talking with Melanee, our fears of being completely left in the wind after the site's up? Those fears are gone. Melanee, thank you. Thank you for working on this site with us, and letting us know we won't be forgotten the way other entrepreneurs have done that we've worked with before The Rise Agency. And the flow in our work conversations in the site creation? Insanely beautiful in the membrane.Thank you to Kris and Paul for the branding work you've done for us so we can be better. You're both busy men. We appreciate you.Kris, thank you for even believing in me, my team, and what we do, for even accepting us as a client, and not letting us go. We promise, after everything we've experienced the past 6 months, to apply what we've learned, and make you all proud. To all reading this, I'd highly recommend them if you care to be better in what you do and how you serve the world. Just a slight warning, though. They don't play. They're top in their industry. So don't waste their time. Make sure you're ready to grow. P.s. The body transformation I created during my rebrand work with them wasn't too bad, either. Attached a photo to show the 6-month difference. I switched up both my eating and drinking habits all around to be the fit Founder for the brand I own and adore. Pressures given in business is an excuse. VIVE is my life. It's why I was created to give love to the world. After working with The Rise Agency, if you put in the work, of course, you literally become a better person all around. This way, the brand you create isn't just created, but becomes the brand you never lose and always have to be yours forever. Cheers to The Rise Agency and the work they do to create better brands, and better leaders.

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