Client Review on The Rise Agency


I'm a physical therapist in private practice. Late in 2017, I saw my patient numbers dropping for unknown reasons. On the advice of a trusted friend and colleague, I called Kristopher Brus at the Rise Agency in early January to undertake some marketing. I had never done any REAL marketing in my 14 prior years in practice. Just a few hit and miss efforts after people solicited me for various things. I never saw any real ROI, so I was skeptical of marketers. But I finally came around to recognizing that in today's world, it's a MUST. Especially with social media playing such a huge role in everyday life.While it's only been a couple of months, and I realize marketing campaigns can take a while to gain traction, I can already tell that Rise has been a very worthy investment. I've been nothing but happy so far, and here's why:1) When I first spoke to Kris, he told me that it's a month-to-month commitment. These guys put their money where their mouth is. No signing on for a year commitment, or even a three month one. They know that their work will speak for itself.2) When I tried to make my first payment, I had some issues processing my cc online (an issue on MY end, not theirs). Kris told me to call him at his office so he could help me over the phone. It was 9:15 on a Friday night and he was still working. That told me a ton about his drive and work ethic. I knew right away that I wasn't flushing my money down the drain. These guys clearly love what they do and are passionate about helping their clients.3) The first thing Rise did was scrap my old website and do a complete overhaul in order to make it more seamless for mobile viewing. I love it. It's so much cleaner and user-friendly. Had I hired them for that alone, it would've been worth the investment. But they're doing much more than that.4) Prior to "launching" our campaign, Kris and Paul called me and my office manager for a phone conference. They described in detail their approach. They had clearly done their homework, having researched the neighborhood in which we work (Chelsea, NY). They created a fantastic theme based on the "art of movement" and "what moves you?" which I loved right away. They really put a lot of time and thought into tailoring a marketing campaign that was individualized to MY company. Nothing generic about it.5) Ever since "launching" the campaign, I see regular posts on my social media accounts (Facebook, Instagram, etc.) that promote the business. But not in an overbearing manner. They do ALL of that for you. I'm not a big tech guy, but I recognize the need to stay current with these things. Knowing that Rise is handling these things for me so that I can focus on what I know best (physical therapy) is HUGE. 6) Finally, perhaps it's coincidence, but shortly after hiring Rise I've noticed that my numbers have steadily crept upwards. It may be a confluence of factors, but their efforts CLEARLY have been a big part of that. It's the first time that I've worked with any sort of marketing or advertising company where I feel like the investment has paid off.I don't think there's anything really left to say about the Rise Agency. If this review doesn't convince you to give them a call, I don't know what will.

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