Client Reviews on Unashamedly Creative

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By Donna Dark Oct 09, 2019


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I was fortunate enough to win a coaching session with Bek as part of my Patreon membership in the Freelance Jungle. This session was a few months ago, but I still reflect on the insights Bek gave me to consider for future directions for my business. I would highly recommend Bek and Unashamedly Creative. I look forward to working with her with future business coaching sessions in the not too distant future.


Bek has been instrumental in helping me to take the big leap into a direction I had hoped to embark into for a very long time. As a fellow freelancer juggling a few different businesses under one umbrella, I needed someone who was able to wander off the beaten business track and shake things up a little from a more creative, bold and quirky point of view.Bek is a wonderful human being to work with, she is professional and caring with an immense dash of emotional intelligence. She breaks down steps into bite-sized and easy to understand actions, and her follow-ups are thorough and precise. To me, Bek often seems like a magician who, no matter what you put on the table, just leaps into that mysterious big magician hat to pull out the exact resource, strategy and positive encouragement you need in that very moment.My coaching sessions with Bek provided me with an incredible amount of opportunity and confidence to reconnect with my values, think that extra bit beyond, identify and focus on my strengths, wear my multipontialist hat proudly and bring out the clarity and purpose that is hard to pinpoint when you’re travelling in a rocket each day.I’m incredibly grateful to have worked with Bek and recommend her to anyone looking for a sincere, intuitive, talented and natural coach to help you position yourself where you ought to be.


Bek has been my business coach for over two years. During this time she has helped me develop my mission, put things into perspective when I haven't been able to see the forest for the trees, and keep going when I have otherwise felt like giving up. Not to mention she has provided the sanity I've needed when dealing with stresses in my private life. My vision has grown immensely since I started working with Bek and she is a much appreciated business asset and friend. She isn't afraid to tell it like it is, which can be hard to find...particularly for someone as stubborn as me! Thanks Bek. To infinity and beyond! :) xoxo


Rebekah has given Brio a voice and her insights and content has meant we have been able to attract and build an engaged community. We can talk through all issues, be challenged by Bek - knowing it will all lead to the best outcomes. Highly reccommend


I was lost then I was found! I faced a sliding doors moment in my freelance copywriting business. I was busy but it wasn't the kind of work or clients I really wanted. I knew I needed to rebrand and had plenty of ideas, but didn't know where to start and had been stuffing around for months. In just one hour, Bek Lambert gave me the clarity I needed, told me what to do (and what not) and prioritised my action list. She even put me in touch with some great design professionals to help with my rebranding. Definitely a worthwhile investment and I'd recommend Bek to any established operator or start-up business looking for practical, non-nonsense advice.


I was in desperate need of some freelance coaching, someone to set me straight, someone to listen to my woes and give me a prod in the right direction. Sometimes you just need a serious (but gentle) kick up the bum – and that’s where Bek comes inBek provides the perfect combination of straightforward, non nonsense honesty, combined with reassuring , huggy wuggy warmth.Like a sledgehammer wrapped in cotton wool.After just one hour I felt clearer, more positive and like someone had my back.The freelance life can be a lonely one – but with Bek on my side, I feel I have the guidance I need to make better, more confident choices. THANK YOU!

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