Client Reviews on Unreal Films Ltd

    • 4.7
  • 14 Reviews

Most helpful positive review

0 people found the following review helpful

By Jasmine Hardy Mills Aug 17, 2019


Most helpful critical review

0 people found the following review helpful

By Shane Eagar Oct 17, 2019



Very disappointing from a local company here in Porirua ...They don't pay there bills... So don't give them any credit.. Have given then 4 months to pay but keep getting flogged off with excuse after excuse... I was hoping I didn't have to do a review on them but have given them every chance of sorting it out but know luck as yet... :-)


Very professional team, great to work with and always pays their invoices on time. I look forward to working with Unreal films again.


Excellent film maker, extensive documentary experience.


Highly recommended.


Tony is an intelligent film-maker with real heart and integrity.


Tony is a man of integrity who relentlessly gives back to his community. His was the first business in the region to pay a living wage. His core values reflected in the outstanding documentary work he has produced. Top bloke, supported by an amazing team.


A fantastic film production company, making high quality films! Tony is a really good Director, he made a lot of good films, with 30 yrs professional experience. Highly recommend, and also Congratulations for the film Helen Kelly-Together.


Big ups to the Unreal Films team. High on integrity, and leading from the pointy end of the game. Highly recommended to any client searching for that bit extra.


good job tony


Tony is a wonderful film maker.

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