Client Reviews on Verse Industries, Inc

    • 5.0
  • 3 Reviews

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By Cortney Mancusi Oct 19, 2017


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The company was great to deal with - I consulted with Verse because my office was looking to increase exposure on the internet. Everyone there was really knowledgable about SEO and marketing on Google. They immediatly suggested a handful of other marketing tools that we didn't even think of, and the results have been great so far!!


Not sure where to start with Verse Industries. After being in business for 11 years I was having some issues with my advertising and new customer acquisition. I noticed the print ads were not giving me the ROI I used to get years ago. That's all changed when I talked with Damon and Mitch from Verse.Damon and Mitch fundamentally changed everything for me. With a new customer program and an amazing Google AdWords campaign we were able to track everything.In a business has been amazing. My numbers are incredible and we are looking at adding additional employees to keep up with the work. Thank you guys so much!!!!


Great friendly staff helped me not only accelerate my business, but understand my options in investing online. Their team is very personal and is honest about the time lines required for larger projects. They also have programmers in house that built me awesome tools to run my day to day retail store. Highest ratings for this company.

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