Client Reviews on Website design Whangarei

    • 5.0
  • 2 Reviews

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By Wayne Chapman-Smith Oct 25, 2016


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I worked with Glen in a successful telephone repair business, we started in 1987 when Glen made a website that quickly went to no 1 on google and stayed number 1 until we retired 3 years ago. That website kept us in business.Glen is now making websites for a living, I have to recommend Glen because I know he does good workWayne Chapman


I was looking for a good website designer, when I approached most companies I was meet by a salesman. Really I was not even sure what I wanted, then I meet Glen from Website Design Whangarei.I admit I was a bit taken back when I meet him, he answered the door with a stick in his hand, it was a walking stick, I realised Glen had had an accident. He very quickly directed me to his office and asked what I needed.Really quickly he was throwing ideas at me. I am really pleased I gave the job to Glen who made the whole process less scary. We were up and running in less than 1 month

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