Client Review on Eyeflow


Since I interned for Eyeflow the past summer, I know a lot about the company. I was doing social media marketing and I learned a ton of stuff. I am going to be honest. I was surprised. All the people working there really know their stuff. As for SEO, it's ridiculous how much they know about it. Nothing seems difficult for them. They rarely get surprised about client issues. I could see that in the every day communication with the clients. I hardly remember a client complaining. Everything under control. I must admit that the office environment was very cool. Everyone is friend with each other. No formalities. I guess it is because the management is done in a very straightforward way. I was never afraid to ask anything even in my first days in the company. I know this is a cliche but Eyeflow works like a team. We were going for lunch together, sometimes for drinks later on. One last thing I want to share is that Eyeflow has a secret obsession with productivity. My manager would always say "don't lose time in stuff you don't know; ask instead". In that way, almost every business process was optimized. The right people, the right tools and job done!

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