Client Review on Oryx Nashville, Inc.


I'm sorry. The interview process is flawed. I will not videotape myself and send it off to someone I barely know. This is the only company where I've heard of such thing. Don't risk your privacy!!!Edit: To add to my defense, here is how videotaping yourself and sending it off to a potential employer is flawed. Unlike a face-to-face, phone, or even Skype, there is no live personality/reactions that is seen in real life at your work. While using HireVue is convenient (mostly to the employer), it does not reflect how real-life situations and issues are brought up with an employer.I am not comfortable pointing a camera at myself because of the above statement, and with the reason of myself having experienced such one-way interview processes before, only for those "opportunities" to be fraudulent. I am not saying that Oryx is a scammer of any kind, but to re-think the hiring process, and utilize other "cutting-edge" technology such as Skype if convenience is such an issue. RockNRolla1791 is absolutely right about me not giving a flip about other big companies utilizing HireVue. He is 100% in sync with my defense. It is in my belief that a SUCCESSFUL workplace takes it like a two-way street between management and employers. For those leaders to consider the well-being of their employees by talking to them directly, rather than using "cutting-edge" technology that is actually evasive. Thus the owner's "apology" is unfortunately tarnished because bringing up such a defense, which turned out to be defensive, became a condescending response as to why a videotaping program is the "latest and greatest" thing in "communicating" with potential employees. No wonder there is a large chunk of 1-star reviews—while the 5-star reviews rave about a great work environment, and myself enjoying a friendly atmosphere (who doesn't to be honest), it just doesn't feel right if management cannot communicate properly with their employees. I refuse to work for and spend 30 or so years bearing such a thought—the workload is already stressful enough, why add inconsideration to the mix?

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